Friday, 30 November 2012

Anti-SMIDSY campaign

Unfortunately I had a great SMIDSY this morning...............I can't believe how some people react when they've committed the SMIDSY sin......

I was waiting to turn right through a busy CBD intersection, I had a large queue of cars behind me also wanting to turn right.......

The on-coming traffic was very heavy, so much so that the intersection was barely clear........

The lights turn from green to amber......I creep forward, stand the bike up and balance her through rear brake, throttle and clutch manipulation......rocking, rocking, rocking.....

I see a woman in a Silver Astra hatchback entering the intention of stopping......I'm still balancing and edging forward VERY slowly as I rock the bike......I catch her eye to eye.......she SMILES!? and waves......the lights turn from amber to red......the bonnet lifts......she's on the gas...........slams on through intersection.....running the red.......

Shaking my head and thinking what hope do we have I continue my LEGAL turn through the to fight, and ride, another day.......

What really gets me about this is the driver attitude........She clearly saw me and had time to smile and if to say "I know, I'm sorry I'm performing a potentially deadly manoeuvre..........I'm sorry you might not get home tonight to see the Missus.......but I've REALLY got to make this understand, right?"


The silver lining to my rant?..........................Over the last couple of years a prominent Law firm, Maurice Blackburn, have been campaigning against the SMIDSY killer........

Each year I buy a couple of T-Shirts for myself and fellow riding buddies.....all proceeds go to supporting riders and their families with Pro-Bono legal fees etc.......

Maurice Blackburn are also doing a fantastic job with some very simple, effective and meaningful ad instalments in response the recent almost fraudulent TAC campaign.......

C'mon guys........stop the SMIDSY


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