Friday, 13 September 2013

What's in your tailbag?

I love my Kriega it.

I've been using the Kreiga US-30 tailbag for well over 4 years on two different bikes. Great mounting options really make this a universal tailbag.

During that time the Kriega has seen a multitude of conditions: Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry - dusty, muddy and anything else - except snow......I don't do snow.

I use the bag every single day on the commute and it easily holds a laptop/tablet, change of clothes, lunch, miscellaneous work items etc.

When touring the bag can swallow quite a lot of gear......a few years back I did a multi day ride and only took the Kreiga - that's it. One bag. It was capable of holding  just what I needed.

Day to day items carried change - obviously so.
However there are a few thing which stay in/on the bag at all times:

Coded Helmet-Lock 

Various bike related promo gear

A "bandolier" of charity ride badges

The essentials: 
Pocket torch
Spare UglyFish glasses lenses 
"Wets" - overpants and spray jacket
Puncture kit and basic tools
Earplugs - thanks Akra's 

So......what's in your tailbag?

--the packhorse. 


  1. hey mate what brand are your wets that is a tiny pack

    1. Hi John,

      The wets are "RainBird" - not specifically motorcycle gear, but as I wear them over my leather Jacket and Kevlars the can be super light weight.
